Nian Wang 

Program Director
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Research interests include Citrus, Huanglongbing, Liberibacter, Xanthomonas, Genome editing

Zhonglin Mou
Graduate Coordinator 
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Research Interests: Plant Defense, Salicylic Acid, Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR)

Emily Murphy

Emily McFalls
PMCB Coordinator 
Responsible for overall program coordination, including recruitment, admissions, student services, academic advising and administration


Fredy Altpeter
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Research Interests: Genome Editing, Homologous Recombination, Crop Biotechnology and Breeding

W. Brad Barbazuk
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Research Interests: Bioinformatics, Comparative and Functional Genomics, RNA Splicing

Gilles Basset
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Systems Biology, Metabolic Biochemistry, Biological Networks

Elias Bassil
Tropical Research and Education Center 
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Research Interests: Stress Physiology, Ion Homeostasis, Endomembrane Trafficking

Kevin Begcy
Environmental Horticulture 
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Research Interests: Reproductive Development, Stress Biology, Biotechnology

Gordon Burleigh
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Research Interests: Computational Phylogenetics

Alan Chambers
Tropical Research and Education Center 
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Research Interests: Tropical Fruit, Genetics, Breeding

David Clark
Environmental Horticulture 
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Research Interests: Floriculture, Biotechnology, Plant Breeding

Thomas Colquhoun
Environmental Horticulture 
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Research Interests: Biotechnology, Floriculture, Biochemistry

John Davis
FFGS - Forestry 
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Research Interests: Functional Genomics, Disease Resistance, Tree Species

Bryndan Durham
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Research Interests: Marine Microbiology

Robert J. Ferl
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: 14-3-3's, Space Biology, Chromatin Structure

Jessie Fernandez
Microbiology and Cell Science 
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Research Interests: Biochemistry, Genetics, Cell Biology, Microscopy, Molecular Biology, and General Microbiology

Svetlana Folimonova
Plant Pathology 
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Research Interests: Plant Pathogens-Host Interactions, Disease Management, and Citrus Greening

Kevin Folta
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Biotechnology, Photoperiod, Strawberry

Dean W. Gabriel
Plant Pathology 
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Research Interests: Citrus Greening and Canker, Disease Resistance, Microbial Genetics

Fred Gmitter, Jr. 
Citrus Research and Education Center 
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Research Interests: Breeding and Genetics, Citrus, Genomics

Andrew Hanson
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Metabolic Biochemistry, Metabolic Engineering, Plant-Prokaryote Phylogenomics

Bernard Hauser
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Research Interests: Seed Development, Stress Physiology, Arabidopsis, Soybean

Jeff B. Jones
Plant Pathology 
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Research Interests: Microbial Pathogenesis, Virulence, Disease Management

Jeongim Kim
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Plant Secondary Metabolism, Phytohormones, Stress Physiology

Matias Kirst
FFGS - Forestry 
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Research Interests: Genomics, Bioenergy, Quantitative Genetics, Forestry

Karen Koch
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Sugar Metabolism, Kernel Development, Functional Genomics

Seonghee Lee
Gulf Coast Research and Education Center 
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Research Interests: Strawberry Genetics, Disease Resistance, Functional Genomics

Tong Geon Lee
Gulf Coast Research and Education Center 
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Research Interests: Bioinformatics, Genome Biology, Tomato

Amit Levy
Citrus Research and Education Center 
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Research Interests: Phloem, Plasmodesmata, Pathogen Movement, Cell Biology, Citrus

Tie Liu
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Postharvest Genomics, Potato Tuber Dormancy, Stress Biology, Meristem Development

Samuel Martins
Plant Pathology 
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Research Interests: Plant Bacteriology, Microbiome, Biocontrol

Donald R. McCarty
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Functional Genomics, Seed Development, Transposon Mutagenesis

Stuart McDaniel
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Research Interests: Genetic of Adaptation and Reproductive Isolation

Lauren McIntyre
Molecular Genetics and Mircobiology 
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Research Interests: Genetic Genomics, Complex Phenotypes

Goeffrey Meru
Tropical Research and Education Center 
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Research Interests: Cucurbit Breeding, Genetics and Genomics

Zhonglin Mou
Microbiology and Cell Science 
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Research Interests: Plant Defense, Salicylic Acid, Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR)

Patricio Munoz
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Blueberry, Breeding and Genomics, Quantitative Genetics

S. Swathi Nadakuduti
Environmental Horticulture 
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Research Interests: Gene-editing, CRISPR Systems, Plant Specialized Metabolism

David G. Oppenheimer
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Research Interests: Plant Cell Shape, Cytoskeleton, Membrane Trafficking

Anna-Lisa Paul
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Space Biology, Transcriptomics, Chromatin Structure


Gary Peter
FFGS - Forestry 
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Research Interests: Wood Development, Bioenergy, Tree Breeding

Bala Rathinasabapathi
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Metabolic Adaptations to Stress, Functional Genomics of Stress Adaptations

Marcio F.R. Resende
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Maize Genetics, Genomics, Molecular Breeding, Quantitative Genetics

Jeffrey Rollins
Plant Pathology 
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Research Interests: Host-Pathogen Interactions, Developmental Biology, Signal Transduction

Doug Soltis
Biology - FL Museum 
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Research Interests: Angiosperm Phylogeny, Genome Doubling, Phylogeography

Pam Soltis
Biology - FL Museum 
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Research Interests: Plant Phylogenetics, Polyploidy, Gene Family Evolution

Wen Yuan-Song
Plant Pathology 
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Research Interests: Kinase, Ubiquitin, Protein-Protein Interaction

Denise Tieman
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Tomato Flavor, Fruit Aroma

C. Eduardo Vallejos
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Genetics and Genomics, Genetics of Disease Resistance

Wilfred Vermerris
Microbiology and Cell Science 
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Research Interests: Developmental biology, Disease resistance, Specialized metabolism

Catalin Voiniciuc
Horticultural Sciences 
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Research Interests: Synthetic Biology, Plant Cell Walls, Polysaccharides

Jianping Wang
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Research Interests: Genomics, Molecular Breeding, Bioenergy

Nian Wang
Citrus Research and Education Center 
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Research Interests: Citrus, Huanglongbing, Liberibacter, Xanthomonas, Genome editing

Meixia Zhao
Microbiology and Cell Science 
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Research Interests: Comparative genomics and epigenomics, Meiotic recombination in maize, Soybean immunity

Headshot photo of Dr. Ying Wang

Ying Wang

Plant Pathology

Google Scholar
Research Interests: plant-viroid interactions, 

Emeritus Faculty

Name Department Contact Research Interests
Christine D. Chase Horticultural Sciences  


Organelle Genetics, Pollen Development, Programmed Cell Death
Sixue Chen Biology  


Plant Secondary Metabolism, Proteomics
Kenneth Cline Horticultural Sciences 


Chloroplast Biology, Protein Trafficking, Membrane Biogenesis
Charles Guy Environmental Horticulture 

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Temperature Stress, Metabolomics and Physiology
L. Curt Hannah Horticultural Sciences

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Temperature Stress, Cold Acclimation, Heat Shock, Metabolomics and Physiology
Alice Harmon Biology 

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Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinases, Cysteine Synthesis Pathway, Arabidopsis and Soybean
Harry Klee Horticultural Sciences 

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Flavor, Fruit Ripening, Genomics, Tomato
Gloria A. Moore Horticultural Sciences 


Genetic Improvement, Genetic Transformation, Citrus
A. Mark Settles Horticultural Sciences 

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Seed Development, Maize Genetics, Functional Genomics
Indra Vasil Horticultural Sciences

Google Scholar


Dr Vasil was the Founding Director of the PMCB program. He retired from UF as Graduate Research Professor Emeritus in 1999. His research included Plant Reproduction and Biotechnology 


Name Photo Bio
Henry Schmidt

Henry received his M.Sc. in Forest Resources and Conservation from the University of Florida. Henry is a third-year student in Dr. Matias Kirst’s lab.

Xi Cheng Xi received her M.S. from Purdue University and B.S. from Northwest A&F University. She is a third-year student in the lab of Meixia Zhao.
Alec Chin-Quee Alec is a sixth-year Ph.D. student in Dr. Don McCarty's lab. Alec received his B.Sc. in Plant Science with honors from the University of Florida. 
Yucheng Duan  Yucheng is a first-year student in Dr. Nian Wangs Lab. Yucheng received his bachelor’s in environmental plant science from Missouri State University
Gabriella Dickinson Gabi received her Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. She is a fourth-year Ph.D. student and in Dr. Gilles Basset's lab.
Manyu Zhang Manyu is a first-year student in Dr. Nian Wangs Lab. Manyu received her Master’s in Plant Pathology from China Agricultural University
Hope Hersch Hope received a double major in Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Plant Biology from Michigan State University. Hope is currently a seventh-year Ph.D. student working in Dr. Settles' lab.
Talia Jacobson Talia received her B.S. in Genetics from Purdue University. She is a third-year student in the lab of Catalin Voiniciuc 
Ryan Hardin Ryan is a first-year student in the lab of Dr. Dean Gabriel. Ryan received his Bachelor’s in Plant Science from the University of Florida
Emma Kunkel Emma has a B.Sc. in Biology from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. She is a third-year student in the lab of Dr. Vallejos 
Larissa Laforest Larissa received her B.Sc. in Biology: Biotechnology from UF. Larissa is a fifth-year student working in Dr. Nadakuduti's lab.
Makou Lin Makou received his B.S. in Biology and a minor in Chemistry and Mathematical Biology from the University of Central Florida. He is a third-year student in Dr. Jeongim Kim's lab.
Ethan Tucker Ethan completed his Bachelor's in Plant Molecular & Cellular Biology while at UF. Ethan is a second-year student in Dr. Jeongim Kim's lab.
Nadia Mourad Nadia received a B.Sc. in Microbiology & Cell Science, minors in Bioinformatics & Studio Art. Nadia is a fifth-year student working in Dr. Koch's lab.
Noe Perron Noe has a Masters of Science and Engineering in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from ISARA, France. Noe is a fourth-year Ph.D. student working in Dr. Matias Kirst's lab.
Hunter Strickland Hunter has a Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology with a minor in Plant & Environmental science from Louisiana Tech University. Hunter is a fourth-year Ph.D. student working in Dr. Rob Ferl and Anna-Lisa Paul's labs.
Mair Edwards Mair has a M.Sc. in Cell and Molecular Biology from Eastern Michigan University. Mair is a second-year Ph.D. student who is working in Dr. Catalin Voiniciuc and Dr. Andrew Hansons' labs.
Yichun Wang Yichun received her M.Sc. degree in Agronomy from UF and her B.Sc. in Horticultural Science from Shenyang Agricultural University. She is a third-year student in the lab of Dr. Patricio Munoz.
Queen Offornedo Queen is a first-year rotating student. Queen received her Master’s in Crop Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship from the University of Nottingham.
Mingxi Zhou   Mingxi has a B.Sc. in Horticultural Science, minor in Plant Molecular & Cellular Biol. from UF & Shandong Agricultural. Mingxi is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in Dr. Zhonglin Mou's lab.
Yunhan Wang Yunhan completed her B.Sc. degree in Forest Science at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and her B.A. degree in Forestry at Nanjing Forestry University. She is a second-year student in the lab of Dr. Ying Wang
Avninder Kaur Avninder completed her M.Sc. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University of Texas. She is a second-year student in the lab of Dr. Tie Liu. 
Shah Khan Shah is a first-year rotating student. Shah received his master’s in plant biotechnology from the National University of Sciences and Technology in Pakistan
John Williams John is a first-year rotating student. John received his bachelor’s in plant science from the University of Florida
Alexandra Grusky Alexandra is a first-year rotating student. Alexandra received her bachelor’s in biology from Williams College
Katherine Ransden Katherine is a first-year rotating student. Katherine received her Bachelor’s in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from Marquette University
Megan Johnston Megan is a first-year rotating student. Megan received her Bachelor’s in Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology from the University of Kentucky

